Money Management SWOT Analysis assignment

Money Management SWOT Analysis assignment
Here are the instructions for the assignment:
Create a money management SWOT analysis and then select the actions you need to build on your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, take advantage of opportunities and avoid threats.Use the attached template to input you SWOT Analysis. Be sure to attach it to this assignment. You will then need to attach a word file containing the actions you need to take to build on your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, take advantage of opportunities and avoid threats. Be sure to address each item you’ve identified.


A Money Management SWOT Analysis
Refer to page 61 in your textbook for examples on how to complete this SWOT Analysis
Also attach in a word document the following: you need to select actions to build on your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, take advatage of opportunities and avoid being a victim of threats.

Internal (personal) Factors External (economic, social) Influences
Strengths Opportunities

Weaknesses Threats

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