Movie Journal

This is a weekly journal that should be written by answering questions that provided that are about the movie that was

watched in the class.

find the movie “Breathless”(1960) and write this journal with answering questions provided.

*There are two main points for this order to be succeed*

1. Watch the correct movie and answer to the questions correctly.

2. Write this paper as much as easily, simply, and shortly with the sentences. ( no need to be looked as luxury or high

quality of paper, just need to be very simple and easy so that everybody can read and understand very quickly and easily

without any difficulties.)

I will attach a file that stated the questions that have to be answered and the movie information.
Breathless (À Bout de Souffle) (1960) was
produced by independent producer Georges
de Beauregard, and directed by Jean Luc
Godard. The English translation of the film
title is more accurately called, “out of
breath.” The cinematographer was Raoul
Pay attention to the tone and style of the film that Godard creates:
1. How would you describe the camera style (shots and movement) of
2. Describe the Editing style of the film. What are some examples of
traditional and non-traditional style?
3. The film is full of literary and artistic references from very high and very low
sources (Movies, painting, poetry, novels, music, philosophy, and popular
culture). See if you can recognize and identify some of them.
4. After seeing the film, what are you feelings about the principal characters, Michel
and Patricia? Do you like them or care about them. How do you think Godard
wants you to feel about them?
5. Describe some of the things about the film that impressed you or surprised you
the most?
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