Movie Review

Movie Review
Watch the documentary and write about the review
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(Sustainable Solutions, SCI 410)
Note: Make sure to complete all 7 parts (there are 2 pages to this document) This movie limks
Movie Title:

1. Summarize what the documentary is about and be sure to point out the main issue/topic of the documentary. Does this issue seem controversial? Why/why not?

2. Do you feel like there are any biases in the film? In other words, does it seem like the film only presents one side or viewpoint of the issue without trying to address other sides or viewpoints? Why do you think what you do?

3. What purpose do you think the documentary has?

4. Did you know anything about this topic before watching the documentary? If yes, what?

5. Is there anything that you really liked or really disliked about the documentary? Explain.

6. Did you learn anything new from the documentary? Was there anything that surprised you?

7. Would you recommend this documentary? Why/why not?

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