Museum visit report

Imagine that you are visiting the Museum, using the website for the art work, if you never been to this museum.
1.Report on your experience.
2.Begin by describing in general what it was like to visit the Museum, any details about the space or the ambiance that impressed or surprised you. This can be your introductory paragraph.
3.Then focus on three separate art works, one at a time, that you found intriguing. The choice is completely up to you, but I would like to see some variety in terms of types, periods, styles. Be sure to identify by title, artist, country, year, medium (the information on the plaque next to the art work); that will help me know what you’re talking about.
4.What do you notice–lines, shapes, colors, story being told, size of the overall work or of particular elements, quality of the surface (smooth, glossy, or rough, heavy brush strokes), composition (arrangement of subjects). Spend some real time looking; you’ll be surprised how much you begin to notice when you just give yourself the time to look.
5.Try looking from different perspectives. If you’re looking at a sculpture, you have to look from all around. But even with a flat painting, you see things differently when you stand back and then when you walk up very close. (Be careful not to get too close, however, and never touch–or you may invite the attention of one of the museum guards!)

6.What is the emotional (gut-level) response that this art work evokes in you? How does the artist achieve that impact?

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