Music History

Music History

If you have have chosen to do the essay questions, you MUST answer at least one question for each of the sections, as given in the template as section headings. That’s a minimum of seven questions. Answer more questions of your choosing if you need more to fulfill the length requirement. Read questions at least twice before attempting any answer. Many possibilities are two part questions and you must be complete in your answers.
In either case, you paper must be at least eight full pages of body in length. That means that you must be five lines down on page 9, as headings and titles never count in page length requirements. Proper referencing of paraphrased or quoted information is mandatory, as is a Works Cited list. (That’s NOT a bibliography page. It’s not done in MLA formatting.) To see how to do a reference properly and fill in the Works Cited page properly, go to the OWL Web site (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue University. A single search for OWL, Purdue, and MLA will give you the link as the first item in the results every time. Use it for all formatting and grammar concerns.



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