Must have the book literature second edition by Robert Diyanni

Read the play “death of a salesman” and choose one of the questions

1.Many critics have maintained that, in Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman,” the true protagonist of the play is not Willy at all, but Biff. Willy is mentioned in the title, and he appears in nearly every scene, so why would so many readers consider Biff to be at the center of the work?

2. What roles do women have in “Death of a Salesman”? Comment on Willy’s relationships with them. Consider Biff and Happy’s relationships with women as well. What is Miller’s purpose in creating these characters?
Remember to organize your thoughts and to construct a sound thesis statement that clearly states, in specific language appropriate to a college writing class, your attitude and analysis of the problem.

The response should be approximately six-nine pages (1250-1600 words) pages.

?Be sure to include meaningful examples from the text to support your thesis. Each paragraph must have a specific purpose AND a topic sentence.
This time, however, be sure to cite at least three outside sources that will strengthen and support your ideas. Once again, use the MLA citation process.

?Use quotes from the text or other sources whenever necessary, and be sure to explain to the reader what that quote means and why you chose them. Don’t assume for a second that your reader knows what you mean or are trying to say. Spell it out clearly.

?Avoid using the first-person; stay away from any sort of biographical criticism, and assume, always, that your reader knows the work in question as well as you do.

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Therefore, there is no need for any sort of plot summary–at all!

?Your essay should have a “Works Cited” page that lists all sources cited, including the primary source.

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