Natural talent, practice, and the work that musicians do to acquire skills.

1. What surprised you in the lecture or your reading about innate talent? What was it about your previous knowledge or opinions that made it so surprising?

2. People hold on to very strong ideas about musical talent, even though they might not have such strong ideas about natural talent in other areas of life (such as cooking, carpentry, accounting, etc). Why do you think this is?

3. Are you convinced by the article on innate talent (Sloboda, Davidson, & Howe, 1998)? If not, what level of evidence would it take to convince you? What additional scientific work would be required to gain the necessary evidence? Did the response article that you chose agree or disagree with the target article? Were you convinced by this?

4. Is it one or the other? Is it really just natural talents approach vs an ‘environmental’ approach? Why is it not that simple?

5. Considering what was discussed in the lecture and in the reading about innate talent, what do you think the role of parents and schools is in all of this?
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