NGO Financial Strategy – Hypothetical Case Module 1 Case Study

After reading the case (see attachment), please mention your thoughts on the following questions below. 1. What do you ask of these analysts? 2. What questions do you want them (Analysts) to answer to help you and the leadership team respond to these challenges? 3. What do you ask of the CFO? 4. What skills could the CFO contribute the leadership team’s efforts to deal with this situation? 5. What responsibilities might the CFO have in the managing the organization’s response to these challenges? 6. What do you ask of the board, including the board chair and the committee chairs? How do you respond to the offers to resign? 7. What key financial decisions do the senior leaders and board of Goodness USA need to make? 8. What are the risks and benefits of each decision? Module 1 Readings References: Staff of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. 2004. Chapter 1, “Introduction to Logic Models and Chapter 2, “Developing a Basic Logic Model for Your Program in W.K. Kellogg Logic Model Development Guide. pp. 1-26. Proctor, Allen J. 2004. Chapter 2, “Your First Duty is to Sustain the Mission, Chapter 3, “Planning: Linking Mission to Money, and Chapter 15, “Capitalize on Good Financial Times” in Linking Mission to Money. Columbus, OH: The Academy for Leadership and Governance. pp. 4-6, 7-11, and 60-68. Peters, Jeanne Bell, and Schaffer, Elizabeth. 2005. Chapter 1, “Defining Financial Leadership in Financial Leadership for Nonprofit Executives. St. Paul, MN: Wilder Publishing Center. pp. 7-17