Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

1. Using MLA style . site all references . If w website is used be sure to include the first page of the website after your list of references. use 12 point font. double space
2. Title of paper
3. Define your area of occupational therapy or the diagnosis you are writing about. What ages will you be working with. What do they have in common ? What type of setting will you work in with these client’s?
4 Using the introduction to Occupational Therapy book page 83; figure 9-1 tell me what areas of occupation will be affected and need help or tell what types of problems you will see in your area of occupational therapy
5. what types of occupational therapy intervention will be used with your diagnosis or setting ?
6.What will your client’s goals and outcomes be? What will your client want to accomplish form your therapy with them.

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