October Sky

October Sky
Watch "October Sky", 1999
The true story of Homer Hickam, a coal miner’s son who was inspired by the first Sputnik launch to take up rocketry against his father’s wishes.
There is a framework of entrepreneurial concepts that we are studying in this course:

Idea generation
Opportunity recognition,
Feasibility analysis
Team building
Using technology to make things work for them and to shape the odds in favor of success
Overcoming adversity
Leveraging scarce resources
Risk mitigation
Thinking about this framework, how do these various framework elements relate to this movie? For example, was there idea generation? How did it occur? Was there opportunity recognition? What brought about that recognition?

Where in the movie did team building occur? How did this relate to what we have learned in class?

How did the team in this movie leverage scarce resources?

Discuss the adversities this team met. Did those adversities get them down, or was the team able to overcome them? How might that relate to what could happen to you if you were trying to start a company?

How did this team use technology to make things work for them?

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