oral interview about changes in sports and leisure practices in the United Arab Emirates

You are going to conduct an oral interview about changes in sports and leisure practices in the UAE with another Emirati

and write up your findings in the form of an academic report.

1. Watch the video, Why do Oral history? available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sOmEpj2STM. You may also want to

watch some other videos in the series to help you organize your project.
2. Read the information about the UAE’s National Center for Documentation and Research’s Oral History and Genealogical

Study Section, available at: http://www.ncdr.ae/oralhistory/Index.html
3. Read the article, 72-year-old Emirati tries to keep the games of yore alive, available at:

4. Explore UNESCO’s Intangible Heritage website, available at: http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php?pg=00001.

Focus on the Lists and Register section, available at: http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php?lg=en&pg=00559

1. Produce a questionnaire which focuses on change and continuity in sports and leisure practices in the UAE. Use the

course’s learning outcomes to frame your thinking.
2. Find a suitable subject to interview. Your interviewee needs to be at least 50 years old. You can conduct your

interview in Arabic. You do not need to transcribe the whole interview but you must transcribe any of his/her specific

answers to your interview questionnaire that you use in your report in English.
3. Digitally record the interview.
4. Get his/her written permission to use the information in the interview and/or questionnaire in your report i.e. sign

the Research Consent Form.
5. Based on the interview, write up your findings focusing on change and continuity in sports and leisure practices in

the UAE.

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