Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman.

Create a thesis and essay that answers these two questions.
a. How does the author illustrate the impact of one or more constructions of identity (such as gender, ethnicity, social class or sexual orientation) in this book?
b. How does she demonstrate the importance of social capital, particularly in relation to stories of how other inmates came to be inside the Danbury Correctional facility or how they cope once they are in the facility.
The essay must have an intro with a thesis statement (in the introductory paragraph), body paragraphs (two paragraphs answering the questions above including three quotes from the book), & a concluding paragraph.

In a long paragraph discuss at least two specific examples relating to identity. (One quotation from the book in this paragraph relating to one of the examples).
In a long paragraph discuss at least three examples (or complex realities) relating to how social capital helps a person (or a lack of it hinders a person). (Two quotations from the book in this paragraph relating to two of the examples).

Please note that mentioning is not the same as discussing! Remember the three parts of a good discussion: introductory description of the reality,
analysis (breaking it into smaller parts explain
how it is shown as complex), and judgment (why it is important to show that complexity).

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