“Organization & Development Change by Cummings & Worley answer the Following Problem:

This week, I want to change gears a little bit and have you focus on yourselves a little bit. The goal of this course is for you to have some good foundations in organizational change and development so that you can form effective interventions should the need arise. Part of this is being able to form effective helping relationships. We will also focus on a slightly narrower aspect of the theory, specifically, Schein’s Process Consultation. Try to think of a time when you tried unsuccessfully to help someone with something. Often times we jump to the conclusion that the help was not successful because the other person didn’t take your advice or wasn’t able to understand what you were saying, or some other variation on that. For the exercise, I want you to switch gears and examine your own role in the helping relationship through the lens of Schen’s principles (p. 254). Using this model, try to think of what role you may have played in the helping interaction being unsuccessful. Commenters: Let’s try to get a consistent dialogue going here. What other parts of Schein’s model have you seen in the poster’s description? Ask questions and bring up ideas so we can help people to explore some blind spots from their Johari window.

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