Organizational Behavior – Individual Essay

Select a topic that is a leadership, management, or organizational topic that you are interested in or that
may be of value to you and your classmates. Use the list of sample topics below. Research the topic
thoroughly using valid, reliable sources. (Business Source Complete (EBSCO) is an excellent source).
Write in complete sentences and use good grammar, double-spacing, Times New Roman 12 point font,
with one inch margins. Be sure to cite your resources and provide the references using APA format. You
should have 3-5 articles about your topic.
Minimum 3-page paper (5 or more total pages when you include cover page and reference page.
1. Provide an introduction to your topic which includes why this is an important topic, i.e.
statistics, application to work, etc.
2. Next, define any terms.
3. The bulk of this paper will the review of literature from your articles. Organize your paper
according to topics and use headings (APA format) to complete this section.
4. Conclude your paper by summarizing your findings.
Emotional Intelligence
Working with diverse people
Stress management
Decision making obstacles
Communication techniques
Ethical compliance
Motivating for performance
Conflict resolution
Learning to work politically
Performance feedback
Job design/contemporary work
Work/Life Balance
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