Persepolis & Journey Into The Whirlwind

Persepolis & Journey Into The Whirlwind

Please read the book "Persepolis – The Story of a Childhood" by Marjane Satrapi. Then, please read the book "Journey Into The Whirlwind" by Eugenia Semyonovna Ginzburg (p. 3-97 only). Use ONLY these 2 books as sources/references.

Write a 5 page (min: 1100 words, max: 1300 words), double-spaced paper to respond to the 2 books mentioned above and answer these questions:

The influx of modern Western ideas and culture did not lead to entirely positive change in the Soviet Union and Iran. What aspects of modern Western culture are evident in each of these books?

In what ways did Western culture benefit people, and in what ways did they cause harm?

Based on a close reading of the two texts, why might it be that modern culture did not have the same impact in the USSR and Iran as it did in Britain and the USA?

The Essay should assume a close reading of the text, understanding of the historical/cultural context, and must show the ability to interpret and synthesize that evidence in order to answer the questions. Lastly, the essay should focus on how the 2 books illustrate, contradict, or illuminate themes of modern Western civilizations at that period, and how the 2 books reflect the impacts of modern Western Civilizations.

Please cite all references to the texts or any external sources consulted.

Thank you very much and please feel free to contact me anytime.


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