Personalities and Differences


A number of personality dimensions are identified in the textbook (Big Five, attitudes, locus of control, etc.). What are the strengths and weaknesses of some of the personality dimensions in various organizational settings? Are there certain combinations of factors (i.e., personality and environmental conditions) that might lead to “problem personalities” or “ideal personalities?” In other words, might certain combinations of qualities or levels of certain qualities create a predisposition to negative organizational behaviors in certain situations? Can those same combinations of qualities create a predisposition to positive organizational behaviors in other situations? What personality types should leaders recruit among organizational members? Are there any personality types that leaders should avoid recruiting among organizational members?


How do individual differences (i.e., personality, diversity, incentives, etc.) impact interpersonal communication in organizations? How do they affect organizational behavior? In what ways do they inhibit communication/organizational behavior? In what ways do they aid communication/organizational behavior? What leader attitudes and behaviors are important given the presence of individual differences and diversity? Do you have any examples from your organization where individual differences/diversity were or were not addressed effectively by leadership?
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