

1. Explain how the following elements and terms affect the quality of a picture:

Light—natural light/ambient, flash.

Exposure—aperture (f­-stops), shutter speed, depth of field.

Composition—rule of thirds, leading lines, framing, depth.

Angle of view.

Stopping action.

2. Explain the basic parts and operation of a digital SLR camera.

3. Explain how the image is recorded when you take a picture.

4. Explain how the image information is stored and retrieved

5. Describe how image editing software allows you to make adjustments, enhancements,

additions, or subtractions to digital photograph after it is taken.

How should these abilities affect a person’s level of trust in the media?

How has Western culture and Christianity contributed to American government? What contributions to government came from the Age of Enlightenment? How have other cultural influences, such as the Iroquois Indian Confederation, affected the construction of the American government?

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