Policy Paper

Policy Paper

You are required to write one 6 page single spaced paper on a problem relating education and income. The paper is not a term paper, but a public policy briefing paper on an issue. Use Time New Roman 12 point. This paper will include making graphs and analyzing them.

The instructions and sources will both be uploaded.
After reading the instruction, you will notice there are 4 parts in this paper. The introduction should be 1 full page, the analysis should be 4 page, the policy recommendation should be 1 full page

Please include the graphs within the 4 page of analysis.

Please also include the Country and Consolidated Worksheet (In the Instruction) as an appendix.

There are no outside sources required, I will upload the sources in excel format.

Important to include:
1. Remember the heading titles to identify the 3 sections

Things to avoid:
1. Feelings should be avoided for arguments because of their subjective nature.
2. Do not show bias in arguments

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