Political becoming Personal: Yiddish and the Politics of Modern Jewish Identity in the United States The main research question for this paper is: How did Yiddish become essential to the Jewish identity in the U.S.?? (Please incorporate that into the introduction)

Political becoming Personal: Yiddish and the Politics of Modern Jewish Identity in the United States
The main research question for this paper is: How did Yiddish become essential to the Jewish identity in the U.S.?? (Please incorporate that into the introduction)

Here are the following critiques and changes my professor wants from this paper in order to receive a good grade:

1. No clear research question in introduction: How did Yiddish become essential to the Jewish identity in the U.S.? Needs to be incorporated into the introduction. Thesis statement is also unclear, thesis statement needs to answer the main research question.

2. Time frame is not organized, jumps back and forth from 1980’s to 1990’s, and needs to be specific in which time frame the paper is focused on (needs organization).

3. Needs a section of background information on Jewish immigrants (make that the first section) talk about how waves of Jewish immigration and how it contributed to the building of Jewish identity in the U.S. and how this answers the question of how Yiddish influences the Jewish identity

4. Each section needs to answer or correspond to the main research question: how did Yiddish become essential to the Jewish identity?

5. In introduction: the last paragraph talks about which section will cover which (not organized), each section needs to be explained in introduction how it contributes to answering the main research question.
(This paper is an attempt to demonstrate that the political sphere can indeed be influenced by the personal. To illustrate this belief, I will start off by introducing Yiddish as a political tool and part of the Jewish culture. The following chapter will then discuss the factors participating in American Politics versus maintaining Jewish identity. Lastly, the paper will end with political unrest and the equating of Jewishness with Communism. ) These sections need to explain how they contribute to answering the main research question: How did Yiddish become essential to the Jewish identity in the U.S.?

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6. Needs more sources (find sources on how languages shape identities (definitions), incorporate that). Find at least 5 more sources to incorporate into the paper (for background information on shaping of Jewish identity and Jewish immigration history in the U.S.).

7. Paper needs to be more organized and structured well. Each section needs to apply back to the research question.

8. A section needs to be added (as the first section) to give background knowledge on Jewish immigrants in the U.S. (e.g. first wave immigration, etc) how it contributes to Jewish identity in the U.S. and how Yiddish is shaped.

9. E.G. ‘The fact that many older Jews felt that speaking Yiddish was integral to their culture probably helped bridge that gap.’ A lot of vague sentences, needs background information to support. Change please.
Attached below is my paper that was turned in (but failed) Please use that as a base for a rewrite, but please change it up completely (according to the points given above by the professor).

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