Presentation and supplementary report

Presentation and supplementary report

This assignment task comes in two parts – a presentation, supported by a supplementary report.
For the presentation, you are required to provide an overview of the challenges facing business organisations in measuring marketing performance and provide a justified recommendation as to how the marketing function should be structured in order to deliver competitive advantage. Copies of all PowerPoint slides and materials used in your presentation should be made available to the tutor prior to the start of the presentation.
Your supplementary written report should build on the key issues addressed in the presentation by evaluating the implications for organisational needs and capabilities, as well as management and development of marketing teams.

Learning Outcomes Tested

On completion of the assessment students will be able to:

LO1: Recommend how a marketing function should be structured in order to deliver competitive advantage, as well as marketing and organizational success.

LO2: Critically evaluate the organisations’ resource needs and capabilities, making recommendations as to how a marketing team should be developed and managed in order to achieve effective performance against objectives.

Assessment Criteria
Your work will be assessed against the following criteria:

Identification of the challenges facing business organisations in measuring marketing performance;
Provision of a justified recommendation as to how the marketing function should be structured in order to deliver competitive advantage;
Critical evaluation of organisational needs and capabilities in delivering project objectives, competitive advantage, and organizational success;
Understanding of how marketing skills acquisition through recruitment or development, as well as management and development of marketing teams, enhances the performance of business organizations;
Clarity and quality of the presentation and supplementary report
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