Printing Press impact on the world

Printing Press impact on the world


Paper instructions:
A topic I have interested in is the historical prevalence of Gutenberg’s moveable type machine. This machine is known as the second greatest invention since the wheel. It changed our world completely after it’s development allowing millions access to read and write, increasing literacy globally.
In graphic design history, it speaks highly of Gutenberg’s invention and how the world changed once it was released. The constant battle of always kerning and leading individual letters, sliding it in the tray, one at a time, making things just right for print. It is a very delicate and strenuous process, this is where the term “mind your p’s and q’s” came from, because those are the hardest letters to thread just right on the printing press.
Later, the printing press is revolutionized with the steam engine, which allows even more users to have access to public works. It cut the time to a fraction of what it would have took to produce these goods originally. Once this was revolutionized, mass communication journalism and graphic design became increasingly popular, as well as many other professions. In my essay I want to observe Gutenberg’s printing press, talk about it’s influence on the world, how it was developed using a steam engine and that effect on our world, and then the jobs created from it, the people that worked with it, the inventors, and all the other fascinating details about this revolutionary device.

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