Procedural Programming

LO2 Be able to design procedural programming solutions
2.1 identify the program units and data and file structure required to implement a given design
2.2 design a procedural programming solution for a given problem
LO3 Be able to implement procedural programming solutio ns
3.1 select and implement control structures to meet the design algorithms
3.2 correctly use parameter passing mechanisms
3.3 implement a procedural programming solution based on a prepared design
LO4 Be able to test procedural programming solutio ns
4.1 critically review and test a procedural programming solution
4.2 analyse actual test results against expected results to identify discrepancies
4.3 evaluate independent feedback on a developed procedural programme solution and make recommendations for improvements
4.4 create onscreen help to assist the users of a computer program

4.5 create documentation for the support and maintenance of a computer program
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