Professional and Managerial Skills

Professional and Managerial Skills

Objective of the assessment
 To demonstrate your knowledge of basic project management conceptsby using Microsoft Project.

1. The assignment is an individual project (between 4-6 pages).
2. You are required to define asimple projectand create a Gantt chart in Microsoft project.
3. The project must cover the following phases: initiating, planning, executing, monitoring & controlling and closing.
Assignment Brief
The assignment must contain the following:
 A short introduction (1/2 page) explaining the nature and scope of the project to be defined.
 Create a Gantt chart with atimeframe. Consider the following:
 How much time will you spend on each task for initiating/starting the project?
 How much time will you spend on each task for planning/organising for the project?
 How much time will you spend each task for executing/carrying out the work?
 How much time will you spend on each task for monitoring and controlling in the project?
 How much time will you spend each task for closing the project?
 Assign resources to the task (link tasks, and summarise tasks)
 Identify task interdependencies
 Set a cost to the resources
 Set fixed costs (1 time costs)
 Identify the critical pathway and discuss how to avoid time delays (1 paragraph)
 Provide aProject Statistics view (brief report for upper management)

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