
0 Have you adhered to the guidelines relating to word limit?

0 Where the research project is based on an organisation, have you obtained the written consent of the authorised person in that organisation and attached the letter of consent to the Project Proposal?

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0 Is your document saved as “your full name” and “the name of the subject”? For example, the document is saved in the format “Jane Citizen – Integrated Project 1”.

0 Are you emailing this completed Integrated Project 1 Cover Sheet with your Integrated Project 1 (all in the same document) to your Teaching Centre (or to AIB directly if you are an Adelaide based or DL student)?

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Part B: Theory Test

Answer the following questions. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. The desired length of each answer is 300 – 400 words. In-text citation/referencing and a separate list of references for this part is also required that will show the depth of research carried out.

1. Discuss the key elements of the purpose statement for a research project and explain the reason for having a project purpose.
Provide your response to the above question here (delete this sentence)

2. What is the purpose of a literature review and how is it linked to data collection and the research methodology?
Provide your response to the above question here (delete this sentence)

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3. Compare and contrast the case study and the action research methodologies focusing on the key stages of each method.
Provide your response to the above question here (delete this sentence)

4. What are the differences between primary and secondary data collection? Explain the approach that is required to analyse and interpret data that is collected either by primary and/or secondary data collection.
Provide your response to the above question here (delete this sentence)

5. Explain the key elements of the conclusion and recommendations for a research project. How are these sections connected to the literature review and the analysis and interpretation areas of the project?
Provide your response to the above question here (delete this sentence)

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