Project Risk

Project Risk

the main source, , Dobie C. (2007), A Handbook of Project Management, Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, Ch 8

Please try to answer those quistions by using your own thoughts and ideas
Perhaps as one of the final discussion threads we can identify examples of project risks and their causes and implications
Part 2 Fast-tracked projects

As outlined in the subject materials Dobie (p. 139) examines the need for attitudes to risk to be as explicit as possible. There should also be some alignment between organizational attitudes or responses and those of the individuals or managers assessing project risks, whether they are threats or opportunities.

The need for this type of alignment can be seen in the example of an organization that has the potential to adopt a fast-track schedule for any given project.

What is the organizational response likely to be in this situation? Accept the risk, given the opportunity at hand? Or is the tendency within the organization to avoid the risk or transfer the risk in some way?

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