Psy12 Scenario 4

Psy 12 – The Adolescent: Development, Relationships, and Culture

Textbook: The Adolescent: Development, Relationships, and Culture (Kim Gale Dolgin – 13th Edition).

Use only 13th Edition of the textbook. Chapter #13

Scenario # 4

Below is a scenario related to Chapter 13.

Please read it carefully and identify a minimum of 5 concepts from the Chapter that relate to the information provided in the scenario.

Please explain your answer for each 5 concepts. Please put the quotas from the textbook to support your concepts and put the page numbers for each quote in your work.

Michelle remembers when she believed she could do anything—she even considered buying her own fishing boat and living on the ocean. Then she volunteered to help in a local campaign and realized that it was exciting to work with a lot of people who have a similar passion. She also visited New York on her high school senior trip and decided that she likes the fast pace of the city. Taking cabs instead of driving, living in the city instead of the suburbs, and dressing for concerts instead of hanging out at the bars fit who she is. As a business major in college, she met a few people who shared her enthusiasm for corporate America and discovered that lots of people make it work. She has just gotten a job with a major technology company. After a couple of years of work in the real world, she may decide to go to law school. She wonders how far up the corporate ladder she can go or whether she will be partner at a large firm. Either one would give her the excitement in her life that she desperately requires to feel alive!

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Your answer:

#1 Concept

Please put the quotas from the textbook to support your concepts and put the page numbers for each quote in your work.

#2 Concept

Please put the quotas from the textbook to support your concepts and put the page numbers for each quote in your work.

#3 Concept

Please put the quotas from the textbook to support your concepts and put the page numbers for each quote in your work.

#4 Concept

Please put the quotas from the textbook to support your concepts and put the page numbers for each quote in your work.

#5 Concept

Please put the quotas from the textbook to support your concepts and put the page numbers for each quote in your work.

A scenario assignment gives us an opportunity to delve deeper into several selected chapter.

Your task is to read the scenario carefully and analyze it by selecting relevant information from Chapter 13.

You might find that some concepts readily and easily apply to the scenario and help you analyze it, and some other concepts might not provide you with any insight.

It does not matter which concepts you present, as long as you can justify your response by explaining it in detail.

Each concept you select from the textbook must be clearly stated and defined, followed by your explanation as to why that concept applies to the scenario.

Please underline the concept.

You must include 5 concepts from Chapter 13.

The scenario must be 550 words.

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