Psychoanalytic Theory

Read the “Case Study Analysis.”

Write a 750-1,000-word analysis of the case study using a psychoanalytic theory approach. Include the following in your analysis.

What will be the goals of counseling and what intervention strategies are used to accomplish those goals?
Is your theory designed for short- or long-term counseling?
What will be the counselor’s role with this client?
What is the client’s role in counseling?
For what population(s) is this theory most appropriate? How does this theory address the social and cultural needs of the client?
What additional information might be helpful to know about this case?
What may be a risk in using this approach?
Include at least three scholarly references in your paper.

Each response to the assignment prompts should be addressed under a separate heading in your paper. Refer to “APA Headings and Seriation,” located

on the Purdue Owl website for help in formatting the headings.

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