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Literature Search Activity: Use the PowerPoint tutorial entitle “Tutorial – Using ProQuest’s PsycINFO,” posted on Angel in the “Writing Assignment Guidelines” folder, to learn about navigating the PsycINFO database through the WSU library system. Choose a topic of interest to you within the field of psychology. Use PsycINFO to search for recent articles published in peer-reviewed journals related to this topic. The database can help you find other types of resources (e.g., books, dissertation abstracts, articles published in non-peer-reviewed journals), but you should limit your search to articles from peer-reviewed journals, so make sure to check the box on the main database search page that returns only peer-reviewed sources. Spend some time trying the different search and limit options within PsycINFO. Take notes as you search to keep track of your process and steps. Once you have spent some time exploring PsycINFO, select one article you think will be relevant to your interests and find that article at WSU. You will need to provide an electronic copy of this article with other components of your assignment, so search for journal articles that are available through WSU in electronic form; save a pdf version of the article and give it the name “LASTNAME-SearchArticle” (e.g., “Lakatos-SearchArticle”). Once you have selected and accessed your article, take a look at the reference list at the end of the article you have selected. The reference list includes information about every source cited in an article. Use the PsychINFO database and/or the WSU Citation Linker Service to access one of the articles listed in the reference list. Again, take notes on your process and how you found a copy of the article at WSU. You will not need to turn in a copy of this second article, but you will need the reference information and information about where it can be found through the WSU library database.
Literature Search Write-up:
• Write up a short description of your search process for the first article, including identification and explanation of your initial topic of interest within psychology, which terms you used to search, how you limited the search, how many options you found, how limiting the search changed the number of options, and how you selected the article.
• Read the journal article and briefly describe how this article contributes to your understanding of the topic you chose. You should clearly articulate how this individual research study addresses the psychological question/topic. Make sure to use your own words (do NOT copy directly from the article) and properly cite the article in your discussion.
• In addition, you should write a brief description of the process you used to find one of the articles from the reference list of the first article. Be sure to include where to find a hard copy or an electronic copy at WSU. Craft a brief sentence or two describing the main purpose of this study and why you feel that it was cited by the authors of the primary article you located.
• Finally, provide complete reference information for both articles, in proper APA format. A tutorial PowerPoint presentation about APA reference and citation formats (adapted from the Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology and titled “Tutorial – APA Style References and Citations”) is also provided in the “Writing Assignment Guidelines” folder. You may also consult library and writing center resources for help with formatting.

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