
Research Concept Paper

Please submit a research concept paper. The paper should not exceed 1500 words and should include the following conventional components.


1. Title – Effective Change Management/ Coping with change in the workplace

2. Aim and objectives

My aim with this research is to identify the traits/attributes/characteristics needed to more effectively cope with change. ../ develop guidelines for behavior to help employees adapt more quickly to change …eg. The employee must have the certain attributes/traits like, positive attitude, flexibility, commitment, self-motivated, resilience…Ultimately, if I can identify these traits, it can be assessed through psychometric testing. From there employees can be developed in the areas that they fall short.

3. Rationale

4. Literature Review

5. Methods

I thought that I might do structured Interviews with the participants

Research Questions

How to successfully manage change in the workplace?

What is the necessary personality traits needed to better cope with change in the workplace?

Are Some Better Equipped to Handle Change Than Others?

How to reduce stress/Effectively coping with change in the workplace

(I haven’t really thought the questions through, your input here is valued)

Participants/Samples/Sources –

These mines that we work with, regularly go through change. I thought that I would use the these mines for my sample group. The mine name: Exxaro Leeuwpan, South Africa


Located approximately 80 km south-east of Pretoria in South Africa’s Mpumalanga province, Leeuwpan employs about 500 employees, excluding contractors and produces 3Mtpa of metallurgical and power station coal. It is a conventional open-pit mine using modified terrace configurations and truck and shovel operations. Coal is processed using jigging technology for the top coal layer (seam 4 upper) and dense medium separation for the bottom coal layer (seam 4 lower). We also crush and screen bottom coal for power station.

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Method of data analysis

6. Contribution to Community-based Counselling knowledge