
Reflection Paper #2 Discussion Prompt
I’m sure that you have been watching the news, reading printed articles and plugging into social media outlets and have

seen and heard of the ongoing disturbing events happening in American society. My question is whether we are currently

living in a psychologically sick or healthy society? Having posed this question, it leads to the obvious question of

whether societies themselves can be sick? In your analysis, please include what you consider to be a psychologically

healthy society, and identify any societies that you consider healthy and then compare and contrast the two.
In this class we have focused on psychiatric illness from an individualistic perspective, discussing the definitions,

etiology, symptoms and treatment of individuals, often placing the individual at the epicenter of mental illness while

society, race, ethnicity, gender, age and class are only secondarily thought to be contributing factors. This paper

requires you to consider everything that has been (or will be) read and discussed in this Abnormal Psychology course and

subsequently view society as the primary, possible, and probable agent of mental illness. So please consider the following

discussion points in your paper:
• Can societies be sick? Why or why not?
• Is America mentally ill? Provide a convincing rationale for your position and argument.
• What psychiatric diagnosis/es would you assign and why?
• What are some of the causes (etiologies) and symptoms of this dysfunction?
• Which populations/groups appear to be most impacted by America’s mental illness (children, adults, adolescents, elderly,

physically disabled, economically disadvantaged, specific racialized and cultural groups, mentally disabled, certain

READ ALSO :   Ngo & Lee (2007)

• What would be the treatment(s) of choice for this mental illness(es)?
I want this paper to contain your original thoughts and ideas, and therefore this topic requires you to spend some time

really thinking about how you will approach this topic and what you are going to discuss. You are not required to use

outside references and sources, but if you do, you must certainly cite any reading or text that you used in the body and

reference page of your work. I can’t see that you would need to use extensive references in your paper, but if you do,

please limit your citations to no more than two outside references (excluding your textbook readings from Sue, et. al.)

because I want this paper to contain your serious thoughts and reflections on the topic.
Of course the paper must:
• Be written and formatted in APA style
• Be no less than 4 full pages and no more than 5 pages
• Be free of any grammatical, punctuation and other writing errors
• Specifically address the discussion prompt in a thoughtful and creative way
• Be written in Times or Times New Roman style with no less than a 12-point font
Remember, there are no absolute answers to the questions posed.
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