Public Administration

The Case:
As a result of activities within the Abu-Ghraib prison, Donald Rumsfeld faced circumstances that were arguably as grave as any leader will ever encounter. The result of his actions, both in his oversight as Secretary of Defense and the ensuing allegations of abuse revealed in the media, have serious implications for the reputation and security of the United States, and for the view of citizens towards their government. Please answer the following (either separately or integrated into one essay):
1. What were the principal factors that led to the abuse at Abu-Ghraib prison?
2. What were the major ethical and leadership concerns raised in this case and how well did Rumsfeld and others in Department of Defense chain of command handle them?
3. Use the Triadic Model presented by Bowman and West to analyze this case. For example, how might someone utilize a utilitarian perspective to perceive the events in this case and justify some of the decisions made by the leadership hierarchy within the Department of Defense? How might this analysis be altered if one employed a deontological framework and/or virtue theory?
4. Now that we have had a chance to look back at this fiasco, what specific strategies would you propose to ensure this never happens again? What changes would you make to prison operations? What changes would you suggest in terms of both policies and decision making processes?
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