Qantas Airways Limited

Qantas Airways Limited
You have the task of analysing the strategic and environmental context of the case, and the challenges faced. This will include an external and internal environmental analysis (using the appropriate frameworks). The organisation’s strategy in response to its situation must be identified and outlined.

The assessment task challenges your group to review the execution of the company’s strategy, and through analysis (which involves a strategy critique) proceed to develop a critical discussion of the company’s position and direction.

The report needs to demonstrate a careful consideration of concepts and theory covered in the first parts of this course. Ensure you make use of content provided in the advanced information literacy workshop (see Course Learning Resources). Use the library’s resources to gather the required information to complete the task, including online academic journal databases.

Successful groups start by reading and working together to interpret the content of the case stimulus as early as possible.

The case study for Assessment Item 2 is Qantas Airways Limited. There is no set case study stimulus for this task, but you should focus on the practice of the company in the recent two years.

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