Quality Assurance

Question #1
Part A:
Discuss a quality assurance problem you have experienced with the NAIT website that you use as part of your NAIT and DMIT experience.
a) Describe the quality you expect should be experienced with the website. What do you consider to be reasonable quality assurance expectations for this website? Include comments on the recent changes to the new version of the website. (1 or more paragraphs)
b) Describe what you actually experienced in terms of quality with the website (what problem(s) did you encounter). Include comments on the recent changes to the new version of the website. (1 or more paragraphs)

Your answer should be 2 or more paragraphs. Each paragraph should include 3 or more full sentences.

Part B:
Answer each of the following questions in 2 or 3 full sentences.
1. How can the issue(s) you described above be corrected, given that the website has already been made available to consumers?
2. How would the application of Quality Assurance principles prior to the website’s release have made a difference with this issue (or issues)?

Part B:
Research the internet for a Quality assurance incident error that caused serious ramifications for a number of people. It does not have to be catastrophic such as a death or loss of millions of dollars but can be. Remember to cite your source(s).
Discuss the situation you found. Your answer should be at least 8 sentences long. Include the following in your discussion:
1. Explain the background of the problem – it could be due to a software problem, a hardware problem, an error in documentation, a version release that was incorrect or outside the usual business model or a system error. (example: a software update that didn’t work or caused problems, an online ordering system change that prevented orders from being processed correctly, a product with defective parts, website changes that negatively affected functionality, etc.)
2. The timeframe of the problem (date, decade).
3. How many people might have been involved in the error?
4. Who was affected – which groups and how it affected them.
5. Discuss if the problem created lost goodwill.
6. Discuss time and money lost due to the problem.
7. Explain why this problem interested you personally.
8. Other interesting information about the problem.
Question #2
Part A:
Pretend that you are going to set up standards and Quality Assurance guidelines for a company you work for. You don’t have to start from scratch, you will do research and base your work on what is already being used in other companies. Find a site for any company, industry, organization or government department that is about Quality Assurance that interests you. (examples: health care government site, law enforcement quality standards, an IT company that specializes in QA, digital entertainment industry quality standards, financial services or security industry standards, electronics, electrical or manufacturing quality standards, etc.) . DO NOT use a Wikipedia or other definition source, this must be a webpage. Explore the information on the site and answer the questions below. DO NOT copy-and-paste the information – put it in your own words. Each question’s answer should include at least 3 sentences.

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1. What website did you go to (include URL)? Why do standards matter in this field? Who would be affected by poor quality and how will they be affected (example: health, money, security, safety, satisfaction)?
2. What do standards do? How are they applied in the field you researched?
3. Who do standards benefit and how (consumers, companies, employers, employees, environment)?
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