Reaction Paper

Reaction Paper
Students will write a 4-page (double-spaced) reaction paper on 2 scholarly non-research articles. The purpose of this assignment is to help students clarify their understanding of the readings and think critically about a social welfare issue. For there action paper, students will write a summary of each article and then share their reaction to the article by responding to the following questions: What are some strengths and weaknesses of the article? 1)Did the author overlook or leave out anything important? 2) Did the author overemphasis anything? 3) Is the author one-sided ( even if he/she takes your side) or does the author present a balance view? 4) What did you like and/or dislike about the article? 5) What would you have done differently? -What did you realize as a result of reading this article? -What questions does the article raise for you? -How could you apply your learning in your future social work practice? For the reaction paper, students will choose a social welfare topic and search for 2 scholarly non-research articles, written in the last 10 years, with the topic in in a social work journal. Students will utilize APA format when writing the reaction paper. The paper will use Time New Roman, 12 font, and 1 inch margins for the paper. The reaction paper must be at least 4 pages in length (with 2 pages for each article). Academic Search Premier is a popular search engine for journal articles. You can access it by going to the following link,, and selecting “Academic Search Premier.” You can then type in what you want to search for. Here are some examples of Social Work journals: Child & Family Social Work, Clinical Social Work Journal, International Social Work, Journal of Social, Work, Journal of Social Work Values & Ethics, Social Work & Society, Social Work Today, Health & Social Work, Journal of Social Work Education, and Social Work.

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