
READ: Evans, Ch.3 “Classical Arguments for God’s Existence”
then write reflection has at least 100 words and It must also include at least two (2) citations

READ: Evans, Ch.4 “Religious Experience”
then write reflection has at least 100 words and It must also include at least two (2) citations

please write chapter number next each citation to let me know which chapter that citation belong to

this instructor brief description
Each student will write a short personal reflection paper on the reading assigned for that day. Herein students will personally respond to the reading. Reflection papers must demonstrate familiarity with the reading OUTSIDE of information provided by the student summaries. It must also include at least two (2) citations to sections of the reading that are not included in the student summary papers. This assignment is meant to demonstrate that students have actually read and reflected upon the reading beyond what was introduced in the student summary essays. Each reflection must be at least 100 words in length and free from spelling and grammatical errors. An electronic copy must be submitted one day before the next reading is assigned.

C. Steven Evans, Philosophy of Religion: Thinking About Faith (Contours of Christian Philosophy), IVP 2009.

ISBN-10: 083083876

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