Reflection Paper

Review the Human Sexuality Case Studies interactive in Resources and read the case studies for Unit 2.

For this assignment, you will develop a reflection paper based on the case scenarios provided. Each case scenario is related in some way to the material covered in the unit readings and materials. Read each case scenario and select one on which to base your reflection paper. Try to choose the scenario that you can do the best job of answering according to the criteria given below.

Please write a 2–3 page paper that accomplishes the following:

Identify and describe the concept or concepts in the scenario using correct terminology from the course. If the concept is closely associated with the writings of a particular theorist (such as Freud, Kinsey, Masters and Johnson, and so on), then provide that information. Explain how the scenario fits the concept.

Identify and describe the general perspective or approach to human sexuality that the concept falls under (such as gender theories, instinct theory, developmental, and psychodynamic). If the concept does not fit into one of those categories, then at least identify which part of human sexuality it deals with (such as gender, psychosexual development, and so on).
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