Religious studies

Religious studies
Read, analyze and give your opinion on the following report from The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. The report is entitled “America’s Changing
Religious Landscape.”

The report is available online at:

Your analysis must include answers to the following questions:
– What is the purpose of this study?
– What are some of the factors behind the changes in religious identification?
– Who are “nones” and how did the study account for the growth of this group?
– What impacted you most about the findings?
– From your perspective, what are the possible implications of these findings?

You must read the Preface/Summary of the report. You are not required to
get into the chapters of this study. The information required for this assignment
is in the introduction/overview provided.


– It must be typed in double-space in a legible font type and size (12 point) – Set the margins of your document to one inch on all sides.
– Using the tab key, indent the first line of paragraphs one ½” from margin. – In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your instructor’s name, the course, and the date.
– Center the title of your paper in Title Case (standard capitalization)
– Your review/analysis must be four to six pages in length
– The assignment must be submitted on or before the date specified in the Course Outline.

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