Report on Movie Relevant to world food issues

Report on Movie Relevant to world food issues
Movie Report
Watch a movie relevant to world food issues and write a 2-3 page typed report it.
What to watch: Your movie can be a feature film (like Hotel Rwanda, or Gandhi) or a
documentary (like An Inconvenient Truth). It can be set in the present or in the past. You can
watch the movie in the theatre, on television, or on a DVD or video. The ISU library has a large
collection of feature films and documentaries available for viewing free of charge. There are
many movies that have relevance to world poverty and hunger. Almost any movie whose focus is
an impoverished developing nation will work, even if the story is mostly about the elite and
powerful in that nation, rather than the poor. There is a wide latitude in what you can pick that
will inform you about the world, and those who are least powerful: the poor in developing


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