Research – Assisted Paper

In a 750-1000 word argumentative essay, you will answer the following prompt: Do you think the teachers responsible for the Rialto School District Holocaust assignment should have been fired? In your essay you will have to show support for your opinion using the articles I have posted in the Modules section. DO NOT use any other outside sources. You may use ONE direct quote per paragraph, but do not drop your quotes. Use a signal phrase to introduce your quote.Please use the ones I have provided for you. You must use a minimum of THREE of these sources. Your essay should be organized in this way: 1. Introduction – Summarize the assignment and the resulting backlash that occurred as a result of the media exposing the assignment to the public. Your thesis statement should let the reader know whether you believe the district should have fired the teachers who created the assignment or whether you believe the district went far enough (issuing an apology, sending the teachers to sensitivity training, having the students visit the Museum of Tolerance) in their handling of the situation 2. Body Paragraphs that support your position using the sources I gave you (with correct intext citations). 3. Counter-argument Paragraph – Contains the opposing viewpoint, your concession and your refutation. 4. Conclusion that offers a final, reflective thought on the topic. 5. Works Cited Page in correct form

This essay will be use in, so please don’t plagiarism.
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