Research Topic Clarification

Research Topic Clarification

just like I wanted to find out, “Who are these guys who become Sperm Donors?” you should have a guiding QUESTION that you can state simply and that is RELEVANT TO TODAY. Relevance is key to the nut graf, just like in the Persuasive Essay. There needs to be a reason you are looking into this topic RIGHT NOW. Curiosity in the past is nice, but not quite enough.
So think about how you can state your topic in a simple question, and think about how to make your topic relative to right now. What is new about it? What is going on there? What has recently happened that has got you thinking about it?
An example: Nickisha wants to write about how Trains and Railroads changed life in America. It’s an interesting historical question, but not quite compelling for the here and now. But a quick internet search shows me that President Obama has spent $11 BILLION dollars trying to make high speed rail happen — and that the New York Times has been writing about it a lot lately.
So Nickisha’s topic can be rewritten to be SUPER relevant to today: “What is going on with High Speed Rail in this country and how can it change American Life?” or even “What is going on with High Speed Rail in this country today?” THAT is an interesting question because it is piggy-backed on recent news AND allows her to also look into the topic that originally piqued her interest.
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Research, draft, write, and edit an essay of 750-1250 words, on a topic of your choice.
This is an open topic: you can write on anything you choose. However, using MLA citation, you must include at least four sources, including one primary source, one secondary source, and one interview (that you conduct) in this paper. Failure to cite and use at least four sources will result in a failing grade. Failure to cite all sources using MLA format will also result in a zero grade.

Grading Rubric:
Assignment Requirements: 4 points. Did you fulfill all the requirements of this paper? (Word count, formatting, sources used, etc.)
Structure: 4 points. Did you present your information in a clear way, with smooth transitions between descriptions, facts, quotes, and exposition?
Research & Support: 4 points Did you find statistics to back up your thesis? Historical evidence? Did you read a variety of outside sources, and talk to a variety of people? Did you use quotes from outside sources to support the validity of your argument? Did you cite your sources?
Grammar: 4 points. Did you make sure there are no grammar, spelling, or other errors in this paper?
Works Cited Page: 4 points. Do you have a properly formatted and complete Works Cited page?
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