resolution with neighbor

resolution with neighbor

You moved into a house about 4 years ago. You love the area and the neighborhood. A few months ago, new neighbors moved in two houses down from you on the same side of the street. The neighbor is a family of 3 with an older teenage son, around 16. They seem nice enough, but the son seems to be a bit of a troublemaker. You are friends with a teacher at the high school that told you she heard the family moved from a different state because their son was having difficulty at school and they needed a fresh start.
You have noticed lots of cars and loud noise down at the house on the weekends and you believe it is the teenager having parties. The next morning, the area around the house is littered with beer cans. The son (or someone) does come out and clean up the mess, but you don’t like the idea of a bunch of teenagers drinking and partying two houses away from you. The neighbors in the surrounding houses are often gone on weekends, so they don’t seem bothered by the parties.
The neighbors also have two Doberman pincher dogs that they let run free in their yard during parts of the day. You are fine with dogs, but these dogs scare you. You are a jogger and you have to run by their house to run the route you run as your house is near the end of the neighborhood street and it dead ends. When you run by, the dogs always bark and charge at you. Thankfully, one of the owners has been outside to call the dogs. The dogs do listen to the owners, but you worry that there will be a time that they are not outside, or don’t react quickly enough to the dogs when they charge towards you.
You have introduced yourself to the neighbors and spoken very briefly with them when they first moved in, but you haven’t raised any of these issues with them. You decide you want to discuss these issues with the neighbors and try to reach some resolution. You have the neighbors’ email address and decide to send them an email explaining your concerns and what you would like done about them.

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