Response Phase

Current State and County: Harnett County Schools, North Carolina

The purpose of this session long project is to provide you with the opportunity to extend your understanding of education in emergency. For the SLP project you are going to develop the groundwork for preparing to write a grant to get external funding for a school district to improve its emergency preparedness. You will not write the grant but you will select a school district, analyze its current plan from four different dimensions, discuss their current status and what needs to be developed, then you will assess an overall narrative discussion portion of the grant. This may require contacting local school officials to gain insights and access to information.
Your SLP project will focus on the Federal Emergency Response and Crisis Management Plans Discretionary Grants offered through the Department of Education. See the grant application at this site: Grant Application. Review the application, read through the whole application. Pay particular attention to Selection Criteria and Application Contents, and Program Narrative. The final SLP essay will develop the Program Narrative as it applies to the Selection Criteria.
Section 3 (SLP 3 for Module 3): Response Phase
Investigate your resources for information on the current state of affairs regarding the second phase of the emergency operations plan. Determine what is working, and what could be improved. Write an essay that describes the current state and what needs to be improved and how it could be improved. It may be helpful to examine model programs from other states and districts to get ideas. See the background references for links and more information. Pay particular attention to the grant application Selection Criteria and how these resources and features will inform your Program Narrative.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Use double-spacing and 12-point font, Time New Roman (3 pages). APA Format. All essays need to include an introduction, body and conclusion.
Writing Expectations
The structure and format of your response is to demonstrate your ability to convey information in a clearly organized and coherent manner. Make sure to double space your work. The essay should have a clear introduction, well developed body, and concise conclusion following the basic writing style found in the TUI Style Sheet and to the KEY ELEMENTS guide for writing expectations.
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