Richard Ramirez – Forensic Psychology – Serial Killer Analysis

Richard Ramirez – Forensic Psychology – Serial Killer Analysis
Profiling Richard Ramirez with the Motivational Model and classifying him as an organized or disorganized killer.

For over a year starting in the spring of 1985, the residents of Los Angeles County lived in fear of the anonymous “Night Stalker”, forcing many to alter their nighttime habits, install better locks on their doors and windows, and invest in electronic security systems. The newspapers dubbed him the Night Stalker because he attacked his victims at night like a vampire. In 1989, Ramirez had been convicted on 43 counts, including 13 murders, and the authorities have good reason to believe that he had committed several others. In 1996, Ramirez married a women he met while in prison, who maintained her own life in the bay area. Your task is to use develop a stage based upon the distinction between organized and disorganized offender.
This sixth stage will lay out your argument for whether Mr. Ramirez should be classified as an organized killer, a disorganized killer, or both. I strongly suggest you read chapter 8 of the Ressler Text (Sexual Homicide) and review both the Profile Characteristics and the Crime Scene Differences (tables 8-1 and 8-2) before writing this section. Any position could be taken, as long as you support your conclusions with the evidence from the crimes and Mr. Ramirez’s personal history. The depth of the evidence used to support your conclusion will be a major determinant of the grade you will receive for this section.

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