Risk Identification Worksheet & Paper

Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Risk Identification Scenarios worksheet.

Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper in which you select one scenario from the University of Phoenix Material: Risk

Identification Scenarios. Describe how risk management can mitigate the risk in the scenario. How would you document the


Risk Identification Scenarios
Scenario Two

A construction company has been awarded the contract to build a pipeline in Alaska. The project timeline is of the highest

priority because work can only be completed during summer months due to adverse weather conditions. One of the suppliers

of a key component has longer lead time than is required to complete the pipeline, but may be able to deliver if the

construction company will pay fees to expedite. There are other suppliers, but these suppliers are not on the construction

company’s approved suppler list and it would take time to get them approved. There is a huge penalty in the contract if

the project is not completed on time.

Risk event Probability of risk event
(1=high; 3=medium; 5=low) Impact of risk event
(1=high; 3=medium; 5=low)

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