Risk Management

Put the answers under the questions please. Separate them and the references please. If I can get two answered by tomorrow that would be awesome.

300 words each!

What are the similarities and differences between event and nonevent incidents? Why is it important to plan for nonevent incidents? How may security personnel be prepared for both?

What are some primary response vehicles for an event incident? Describe an effective method for ensuring the security of unattended emergency vehicles.

When developing a critical incident response team, what are the most important factors to keep in mind? Will these change depending on the scenario? Is there such a thing as an ideal emergency response team? Explain.

What are the necessary steps an emergency response manager must take before, during, and after an attack? How might these steps be synthesized to ensure success? Explain.

How may the possibility of critical incidents at social or political gatherings be mitigated? What are some indicators that must be addressed before, during, and after the activity? Explain

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