Roll the ball from the starting point and measure and the time it takes for the ball to roll from point 1 to point 2 call this timeT12 therefore T12 =______sec

Roll the ball from the starting point and measure and the time it takes for the ball to roll from point 1 to point 2 call this timeT12 therefore T12 =______sec
Calculate V average for section1:
V average section1 = 1m/T12 = _________m/s
Assume V average section 1 = V point A
Therefore V point A = _______m/s
2) Calculate Average Velocity section 2 & V point B
Roll the ball from the starting point and measure and the time it takes to roll from point 2 to point 3 call this time T23 therefore T23 =______sec
Calculate V average for section 2:
V average for section 2 = 1m/T23=________m/s
Assume V average section 2 = V point B
Therefore V point B = _______m/s
3) Acceleration between point A and B
Roll the ball from the starting point and measure the time it takes for the ball to roll from point A to point B therefore TAB =______sec
Calculate Acceleration
Acceleration = (V point B – V point A)/ TAB = ________m/s/s
Are the close?
Are they accurate?
Assume that the rubber ball weighs .1kg.
Force = Mass*Acceleration = _________________

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