
Safety Cases and Systems. Due to be Shared in Class February Safety Cases and Systems. Due to be Shared in Class February 2
Choose one of the following topics or case studies and prepare a brief summary & key points to share with the class. For case studies, briefly explain what happened and highlight management failures and Lessons Learned. For Systems and Programs, summarize key points and concepts you think are useful for Safety Professionals to know and apply. Send your material to the Instructor and be prepared to share in class. Please note, there is a possibility for some topics to be presented in both assignments and later in projects or scheduled topics. This is OK.
• Lean Safety: Such as – Explain if lean efforts help or hinder safety performance and why or why not? How can Lean and Safety be best accomplished at the same time?
• ExxonMobil Operations Integrity Management Systems: OIMS was developed after the Exxon Valdez incident – highlight especially the parts of the OIMS that is related to improving safety performance
• OSHA VPP: What do you think are the key points that Safety Professionals and Organizations should know about VPP?
• Naval SUBSAFE Systems/USS Thresher 1963: If you can locate any information on this topic; what are some principles useful for safety professionals from the SUBSAFE system?
• BP Deepwater Horizon Final Report: especially chapter 8
• Nuclear Power Industry: Chernobyl or Three Mile Island Incidents
• Chemical Industry: such as Bhopal, India or more recent case
• NASA: Challenger or Columbia Explosions
Choose one of the following topics or case studies and prepare a brief summary & key points to share with the class. For case studies, briefly explain what happened and highlight management failures and Lessons Learned. For Systems and Programs, summarize key points and concepts you think are useful for Safety Professionals to know and apply. Send your material to the Instructor and be prepared to share in class. Please note, there is a possibility for some topics to be presented in both assignments and later in projects or scheduled topics. This is OK.
• Lean Safety: Such as – Explain if lean efforts help or hinder safety performance and why or why not? How can Lean and Safety be best accomplished at the same time?
• ExxonMobil Operations Integrity Management Systems: OIMS was developed after the Exxon Valdez incident – highlight especially the parts of the OIMS that is related to improving safety performance
• OSHA VPP: What do you think are the key points that Safety Professionals and Organizations should know about VPP?
• Naval SUBSAFE Systems/USS Thresher 1963: If you can locate any information on this topic; what are some principles useful for safety professionals from the SUBSAFE system?
• BP Deepwater Horizon Final Report: especially chapter 8
• Nuclear Power Industry: Chernobyl or Three Mile Island Incidents
• Chemical Industry: such as Bhopal, India or more recent case
• NASA: Challenger or Columbia Explosions
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