Science of Weight Control

Science of Weight Control
The assessment for this module will consist of a 4,000 word case study of a weight control programme.
(Assessing learning outcomes ;1 analyse energy input from food and critically evaluate the results, 2 analyse energy energy expenditure and critically evaluate the results & 3assess energy balance of an individual and recommend necessary changes for health )
ASSESSMENT: Design a personalised weight control programme. Design a weight control programme of exercise and calorie restriction (based on observations of normal energy intake and expenditure) which would enable: EITHER your client or yourself to attain ideal body weight (for health or sport). OR you are to lose a hypothetical 10 kg increase in your body weight following a long period of inactivity or illness OR you are advising a weight classification athlete preparing for competition OR you are providing a weight gain programme for someone recovering from an eating disorder.
Briefly explain the medical problems associated with obesity/eating disordersor the rationale for increasing body mass or losing body mass in a chosen sport and outline the best ways of tackling a weight control programme.
METHODS 1.Describe and justify the methods used. 2. Include all formula and calculations.
RESULTS1. Information on normal energy intake and dietary analysis for three days (kcal).2. Information on normal daily activities, including level of exercise performed, recorded each 15 minutes for 1day and calculation of normal energy expenditure (kcal).3. Discuss energy balance4. Information on % body fat for your subject or yourself and calculation of ideal or target body weight.
DESIGN A WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAMME Calorie restricted (or increased) diet combined with an Exercise programme. Practical instructions must be given. Details of foods to be consumed – alter the previous diet. Suitable exercises suggested- give times, intensity, actual exercise to be performed. Your programme should suggest a gradual increase in energy expenditure. A week by week explanation of weight loss to be achieved should be calculated and presented in a table. (BMR/RMR measurements)
1. Critically evaluate the results in relation to the methods used. 2.Justify your recommendations and explain the advantages and disadvantages of your suggested programme. 3. Explain how you could monitor its progress.4. Discuss the problems associated with keeping to a diet and exercise programme. Consider health problems, psychological problems and long term consequences.
(Food diaries and etc to be put in appendices)
Points to consider when completing the case study;
1) estimate body composition by several methods and critically evaluate results.
2) devise a suitable weight control programme for an individual and offer constructive and informed advice about the control of body weight and composition focusing on the risks of uninformed action with respect to dietary and weight control.
3)engage effectively uninformed and reflective debate in relation to the subject area.
4) demonstrate extensive understanding of relevant established and contemporary knowledge within the subject area.
5) show critical awareness and evaluate skills in relation to key issues.
6) demonstrate the critical and practical skills needed to undertake a research project.
Key references:
Brooks, G.A, Fahey, T.D & White, T.P. (1996). Exercise and physiology. London: mayfield.

READ ALSO :   Outline 1) Title 2)Introduction (Introduce The Reader, Main Argument ) 3) Body (Development,

Dept. Of Health. (1991). Report on health and social subjects 41 dietary reference values for food energy and nutrients for the United Kingdom. London: the stationary office.

Food standards agency. (2002). Food portion sizes. London. The stationary office.

Barrow, J.S., James, W.P.T, & Ralph, A. (1999). Human nutrition and dietetics (10th ed). Edinburgh: Churchill living stone.

Gibson, R.S. (2005). Principles of nutritional assessment. 2nd Ed OUP.

heyward, v.H. & Stolarkcayk, L.m. (1996). Applied body composition. Campaign ail: human kinetics.

Judd, P.a. Kassam-khamis, T. & Thomas, J.E. (2000). The composition and nutrient content of foods commonly consumed by South Asians in the UK. London: Aga Khan health board for the United Kingdom.

McArdle, W.D., katch, F.I. & katch, V.L. (2001). Exercise physiology: energy nutrition and physical performance. (5thed). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Willaims & Wilkins.

Montoya, H.J., keeper, H.C.g., saris, W.H.M. & Washburn, R.A. (1996). Measuring physical activity and energy expenditure. London: mayfield.

Roache, A.F., heymsfield,S.B. & Lehman, T.G. (1996). Human body composition. London: HMSO.

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