Science, Society and Social Research

Beginning on page 12, your textbook defines and describes four different types of social research. Read this section

carefully, and make sure you are familiar with the characteristics of these four research strategies. Once you’ve done

this, go to the Blackboard link entitled “Documents for Assignment #2.1” and read through the four sociological studies

I’ve provided for you. These are actual peer reviewed studies published in professional sociological journals. Once

you’ve looked over these studies I want you to answer all parts of all of the following questions for each of the four

1. Provide a one paragraph summary of the essential findings of this study. What is the study about, and what purpose did

the researcher(s) have in doing this study? Be specific and craft your answer in such a way that anyone could get the

gist of the study by reading your answer. You can’t get credit if everything in your answer is also in the paper’s

abstract (the summary at the beginning of scientific articles). I want you to take some time you read through these

papers. It is a skill you’ll need later in the course.
2. State which of the four types of social research the study best exemplifies, and state why you categorized the study

the way you did. Point to specific aspects of each study to justify your answer.
3. Cut and paste a couple of sentences (no more than 100 words or so) from the article that tips off an astute reader

(such as yourself) as to which type of social research is being produced. Don’t cut or paste from the abstract.
That’s three items per article for four articles, for a total of 12 responses. You can organize your answers any way you

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want, but be sure that I can tell which article you’re talking about, and when you are switching from one article to the

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