Screening and Diagnostic Tools

Screening and Diagnostic Tools

You are an epidemiologist interested in food poisoning caused by salmonella.

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, conduct a research to gain additional insight into the causes of food poisoning.

Based on your research, answer the following questions:

1. What are the different types of screening or diagnostic tests available to study salmonella? What the advantages and drawbacks of each of the tests?
2. If you were asked to employ the use of screening or diagnostic tests to study the transmission of salmonella, which screening or diagnostic tests would you recommend? Why?
3. For each test, which of the following principles would influence the study outcome and results:
-Values of sensitivity on epidemiological study validity
-Values of specificity on epidemiological study validity
4. How will each principle influence the results of your epidemiological study based upon the type of screening or diagnostic tool?
5. Which screening or diagnostic tool would you recommend as the most effective in the epidemiological study of salmonella transmission? Why?
***Support your responses with examples.
***This is my final paper. Please take care as it is worth a lot of my grade. I am including the grading rubric below for this assignment. Follow it carefully as it is what the professor expects out of this assignment. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you!

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Explained the different types of screening or diagnostic tests available to study salmonella.
Described the advantages and drawbacks of each of the tests.
Analyzed, identified, and explained the screening or diagnostic tests that you would recommend to study the transmission of salmonella.
Explained the principles that would influence the study outcome and results.
Described how each principle will influence the results of your epidemiological study based upon the type of screening or diagnostic tool.
Analyzed, identified, and explained the screening or diagnostic tool that you would recommend as the most effective in the epidemiological study of salmonella transmission.
Written components.
250Cite any sources in APA format.
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